So this is not a photo of food. ‘Obviously,’ you might point out. Well, it is obviously not a food photo, but it is actually, not so obviously, food-related. I know it is just a building and the residents would probably disagree, but to me, it is absolutely food-related. This photo is of the building I will be living in one month from now, when I move to New York City to attend culinary school.
There. I said it. It’s out.
I have researched and considered and pondered the thought of going to culinary school for years. I finally decided it was time to stop waiting to start the rest of my life. The timing was never going to be perfect, the circumstances were never going to be ideal and I certainly couldn’t wait for someone else to make it happen for me. So now I have made the decision to leave and low and behold, the timing couldn’t get much better, the circumstances are as good as they’re ever going to be and the best part, I made it happen for myself (with the help of a huge support network).
So, I am leaving. I am packing up and I am leaving. I am leaving behind my boyfriend, a steady paycheck, the comforts of a comfortable life and risking it all in the hope that someone will pay me to play with food.
The French Culinary Institute in SoHo will be my home away from home for the next nine months as I complete their Classic Culinary Arts program. I’ll be living not too far away in Chelsea, doing my best to take advantage of all that New York has to offer and sharing as much of it as I can with you here, at Apples and Butter.
No recipe today. Just this really exciting (for me) news.
I just started reading your blog, but this is so exciting! It's such a comfort to know that real people (not just in movies) can drop everything and achieve what they really want! I hope to go to culinary school after I finish regular university. I can't wait to read about your journey!!
How exciting! What a wonderful choice - I'm sure you'll be successful.
I'm seriously looking at the FCI's pastry course for when I leave university next year so I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it as a school.
NICE! Good for you and enjoy it! I'm a huge fan of this city - I hope you love every minute. :)
congrats, jessica! it takes guts to turn your life upside down like this, i admire you. i wish you all the best and i hope you'll find what you're looking for!
Good for you! Can't wait to hear about your culinary adventures in NY. Congrats!
I'm so excited for you! Congrats!
This is truly exciting and wonderful. Congratulations. It's a major life change but I have no doubt you will not just do well but magnificent. Once you are in NY, if you need someone to hang with, give me a shout. I'd be more than happy to hang with one of my favorite bloggers.
Yay, Jess! I'm so happy for you and wish you all the best on this new phase of your journey. so exciting!!! have a great time, but study hard and come back soon. i will miss you. xo lisa w.
Sounds like a massive adventure, good luck!
I am so happy and excited you are following your heart's desire - I can't wait to hear all about your new adventures!!!
Congratulations and good luck! It's a long, difficult road, but if you really want it, you will succeed! (Also, if you ever need a sympathetic ear, I'm here, and I've been through it.)
Oops, not sure if my last comment posted. Anyway congratulations on making the decision and move. Best of luck in school!
I'm not sure where you are moving from, but you're going to have a fantastic time in New York. I'm sure there will be some adjustments, but you'll be in a fantastic location to enjoy everything NYC has to offer. Best of luck to you, and give me a shout if you need any tips!
my former boss just did the 9 mo program at FCI (while working mostly fulltime, she is crazy!) and has now left the office world to successfully become a freelance caterer chef - so i think good things are ahead for you!
Oh That's so great! I'm thrilled for you! NYC is great- chock full of amazing eating opportunities. Congrats on your decision and bravery. You'll be great.
Congratulations! This is such exciting news and I am looking forward to hearing about your wonderful NYC time :)
Congratulations!!! That is very exciting news! I remember going through all the same emotions when deciding whether or not to attend culinary school. My professional aspirations were not to be a chef, but I love food and being able to spend my years in school studying was a dream. And while I don't use my culinary degree, I wouldn't change the experience for the world. Congrats again, have fun, and don' hold back!!!
Congratulations. Culinary school would be so exciting. Make sure you update us on the cool stuff you learn.
Wow! This is a big news! I'm looking forward to reading about all that you are learning and your experiences in NYC.
wow.. look at all the wonderful comments :) see what happens when you follow your dreams... life just gets better and better and more doors start to open! hooray for you Jess! so excited for you! xoxox
Congratulations to you!!! What fun news. And welcome (almost) to NYC! It's a magical place to live.
Wow. Thank you all for the wonderful comments and words of support.
All you New York girls - I will be taking you up on your offers of tips about the city!
Camille - Thank you and you may be getting some notes from me soon as I wonder what in God's name I have done!
Heather (feather) - You set a great example my dear!
It takes courage to shake up the status quo to achieve your dreams, but it sounds like you're ready to take the leap. Congrats!
I just came across your blog and read your exciting news!! Good luck to you. I am sure you have read it, but if not, I would suggest "The Sharper Your Knife, The Less you Cry" by Kathleen Flinn. Much like you, she decides to go to culinary school..Le Cordon Bleu in Paris
Jessica, I love you very much, as I think you know. And now we can add "Admiration Squared" as well. Admiration because of the fortitude you are showing. Admiration also due to your putting this adventure all together (including the financing thereof) all by your lonesome. And "squared" because of my admiration for another monumental change you made in your life a few years ago. Love you, Dad
And off she goes! Enjoy this new adventure.
Congrats! I wish you all the best, and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures at culinary school and in NYC!
That's so exciting! I'll be back in NYC as of the end of August, so feel free to give me a call/send an e-mail if you're looking for people to hang out with or someone to go out to lunch/dinner/coffee with. I can't wait to hear all about your experience!
excited for you:
1. we live right across broadway from FCI and it's a great neighborhood.
2. we went to cooking school at Institute of Cul Education uptown and NYC is a great place to learn about cooking.
3. you'll like cooking school-no stress, and you do learn, though it's pricey.
Good luck!
Congratulations!! That's sooo exciting! As a fellow foodie, I totally understand your dream - I wish you the most fabulous and rewarding time in NYC! Way to go for it:)
Woohoo! I am so happy for you. I love to hear when people follow their dreams - please keep us posted through your blog.
Brilliant, well done you. I am sure it will be absolutely fantastic. Enjoy your adventure and I am very much looking forward to hearing all about it here.
Congrats! I love NYC. I lived there myself once upon a time. Sounds like an amazing adventure. Can't wait to see what you'll be cooking up :)
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